Lake Agawam Conservancy (LAC) is dedicated to reviving Lake Agawam, its watershed, and its surrounding ecosystems to protect human health and ecological vitality. The Lake’s deterioration is a symptom of the pollution that plagues all our local water bodies. Protecting this shared natural resource for future generations is of paramount importance. LAC works alongside Southampton’s community and elected officials to address the root sources of water contamination including toxic landscape chemicals and aging septic systems. LAC supports scientific monitoring of the Lake water and nature-based and scientifically innovative interventions to cleanse the Lake in the short and long term.
Eight New Bioswales
It is an exciting time for us at the Lake Agawam Conservancy: there will be beautiful new bioswales all over Southampton Village. Thanks to the Village of Southampton Board of Trustees, the Conservancy is now the steward of eight bioswales throughout the Village. Some of these bioswales have already been planted and others will be planted soon. As many of you know, Lake Agawam Conservancy has advocated for the Village to install bioswales, which are like sinks with plantings that intercept stormwater and filter out pathogens, metals, oils, and other noxious chemicals before they reach the Lake. With grant funding, local leadership, and the generosity of our members, the bioswales are now underway!
A film about Lake Agawam by Chuck Scarborough
“The rehabilitation of Lake Agawam will be successful due to the committed efforts of concerned citizens working with Southampton Village and Southampton Town leadership under the direction and guidance as provided by experts in aquatic and marine science. The ‘Jewel of Southampton’ will once again be available for all to enjoy”